Saturday, 22 June 2024




21st JUNE,2024 (FRIDAY)


International Yoga Day is observed every year on 21stJune to raise awareness about this ancient practice and to celebrate the physical and spiritual progress that yoga has brought top the world. Yoga is a practice which plays an important role in relaxing the mind and body and boosting people's immune system.

Today, on 21st June 2024, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tumpreng (VKV TUMPRENG) celebrated 10th International Yoga Day In 7 places where total no of Boys was 215, Girls was 213 and parents was 40, Including all Total Participants was 468.It was attended by Students, Parents & Well wishers from different schools and areas with great enthusiasm.

The event began by chanting3 Omkara along with OmSahanababatu on Yoga Day byVarious Teachers in DifferentSchools and in 8 Place, AYogGeet or Patriotic songpresented by our Students &Teacher. After all in the 8 Placesselective Teacher expressedthe importance of yoga basedon the theme of Yoga for SelfSociety and encouraged thestudents to Practice YogaRegularly in there daily life toremain fit as well as to improveconcentration. then with theLoosening Exercise or (Warm upexercises) were taken and all thestudents practiced & performedstanding and Sitting asanasSurya Namaskar along with thePranayams like Nadishodhana,Kapalbhati, BhramariPranayam.simultaneously. The celebrationis concluded with ExperienceSharing along with Vote ofthanks apart Meditation with theShanti Mantra .

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