Sunday 5 June 2022

Personality Development Camp Date: May 30- June 3, 2022. (Monday to Friday)

     Today, the 3rd June of 2022, Friday, VKV Tumpreng conducted and successfully came to an end of a five days Personality Development Camp, started from 30th May,2022 for class VI students. Bouddhik Satra, Games, Geet, Mantra Abhyas, Samskar Varga sessions were conducted everyday and group discussions were also conducted on various topics. Smt. Sumita Debnath Didi, Vice Principal of Hojai Girls College witnessed the program as a chief guest. Total no participants including teachers and students nearly 40. Satra, Games, Geet, Mantra Abhyas, Samskar Varga sessions were conducted everyday and group discussions were also conducted on various topics. Smt. Sumita Debnath Didi, Vice Principal of Hojai Girls College witnessed the program as a chief guest. Total no participants including teachers andstudents nearly 40.

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